Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Keeping up with your hedges...

This year I think down to the increase in wet weather earlier this year and sudden increase in warmth has caused the hedges in Brittany to sprout very quickly - infact I've done all my hedgecutting almost a month ealier in 2008 than last year!

It really is worth keeping on top of your hedge cutting to prevent them getting totally out of shape or even collapsing as some do when they get top heavy. My recommendation would be to cut your hedges twice a year - once in early summer and the other in the autumn/early winter.

Here are some before and after shots of one done recently....







edson_dias said...

you are good at your work.

Andrea said...

hi i am new here, just followed one of your comments. Great work you have there, and these hedges are beautifully done, so neat!

Miranda Bell said...

Hi Andrea - thankyou so much for visiting - was lovely to get your comments - aah the hedges - this is the longest and the widest of the hedges I have to cut for my clients here in Brittany and to do them all normally takes about 1.5 days! Luckily I have to do them 2 times each year! Have a good week - I've just left a comment on your lovely blog too! Miranda